THE specific BLOG
Dr. Chris Collins
Maybe it was more than one day. Maybe it was a week of bad luck. Or may be you’ve been going on over months and months of things not going right. At this point someone should give you a trophy.
At this point there’s only one thing to do..
I don’t typically experience things like this, but last weekend was ABSOLUTELY insane with bad luck. So what could I do?
Wait, wait, wait… every one likes to hear a little drama every now and then. Allow me to fill you in the story. Start the scene, and I am up on an early Friday morning getting into my car for a drive to Indianapolis for a much anticipated workshop for my business. The air was muggy but cool, and I couldn’t wait for all the inspiring emotions that come with being on the road early, drinking hot coffee, and listening to audiobooks. What a great way to start this trip.
The drive flew by and, before I knew it, I had arrived in Indianapolis. Only one problem, as I pulled into the parking garage of the JW, my car stopped shifting into gear. It was actually so bad, I kind of slowly rolled into a parking spot and came to a stop. Fast forward through that weekend, and you will see me driving out of the parking lot in second gear with a bum clutch. Breaking down again in the ghetto at night. Finally arriving at the transmission shop. Next day they say its going to be a billion dollars. Decide to reserve a Uhaul truck to tow it back to TN. Have a 3 hour wait at Uhaul. Get it back to TN only to have my friend call me and tell me their car broke down. Drop my car off. Go tow a friend’s car. And on and on….
So yeah, I was a little ticked off.
But how did I break the spell?
Gratitude. Cliche, I know, but over the next days I started saying I was thankful for everything. I’m thankful that my car broke down. I’m thankful for the friends who showed up for me. I’m thankful that I got held up at Uhaul. I’m thankful. I’m thankful. And slowly, everything started to change. Good things started happening all around me.
Fast forward to now and man life is different. I think you just have to do a little at a time, when you get in a real whole. Keep pressing through. The more I look on the bright side the more I see opportunity for growth and opportunity to elevate me to a better, happier place.
So lesson of the month: Lean into gratitude. The hardest work and the greatest challenges come during the harvest time, when the bounty is plenty.